Better, Simpler Strategy

Better, Simpler Strategy

Felix Oberholzer-Gee is a Harvard Business School professor and a co-host on the After-Hours podcast. He is on the left in this picture along with his colleagues Youngme Moon and Mihir A. Desai. Felix’s new book, Better, Simpler Strategy speaks to my inner...
Think Again and Again and Again

Think Again and Again and Again

Adam Grant, who teaches at The University of Pennsylvania, has a new book called Think Again. In the book, he asks why it has become a stigma to change your mind or rethink your approach to a complex problem? Grant explores the idea of rethinking and the power of...
The Unexpected Power of Polarity Thinking

The Unexpected Power of Polarity Thinking

Can you hold two opposing ideas in your mind at the same time? Polarity thinking is a way of framing the world and the issues we face from a new view. Barry Johnson brings these ideas to the forefront, and you can learn more about his work in his third book called...