I buy four avocados on my weekly trip to Whole Foods every Sunday. Every. Single. Week. We keep four avocadoes ripening in a bowl and four in the fridge ready for enjoying in salads or as guac. Even our Persian cat Shazmina loves mashed avocado – seriously!

As a marketing strategist, I’ve always been fascinated by the transformation of obscure products into household names. Growing up in suburban NJ, I never saw an avocado in my house. Never.

Coming home from the store today without avocadoes is unthinkable.

Few products’ stories capture my curiosity like the rise of the avocado, once an unknown fruit now gracing the aisles of every grocery store.

The avocado’s journey to stardom began centuries ago in Central America, where it was cultivated by ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs and the Maya. Revered for its rich, creamy texture and nutritional benefits, the avocado held a special place in their diet and culture.

However, its popularity remained confined to these regions for centuries, mainly unknown to the rest of the world.

Fast-forward to the early 20th century when avocados debuted in the United States.

Initially introduced to California by horticulturist Rudolph Hass in the 1920s, the fruit faced skepticism and unfamiliarity among consumers. Despite its undeniable taste and health benefits, avocados struggled to gain traction in a market dominated by familiar fruits like apples and oranges.

Enter the marketing pioneers who recognized the untapped potential of this exotic fruit. One such visionary was Henry Avocado Corporation, founded by brothers Fred and Augustus Henry in the late 1920s.

Beyond California

Sensing an opportunity, Th Henry Avocado Corporation began to popularize avocados beyond California.

Their first challenge was to overcome the avocado’s image problem. Often perceived as exotic and unfamiliar, avocados needed a rebranding to appeal to mainstream consumers.

The Henry brothers launched an extensive marketing campaign, highlighting the fruit’s versatility, nutritional value, and unique flavor. They positioned avocados as a premium product worthy of inclusion in every household’s culinary repertoire.

Another crucial milestone in the avocado’s journey was the invention of the Hass avocado, named after its creator, Rudolph Hass.

With its distinctive pebbled skin and creamy texture, the Hass avocado quickly became the gold standard in the industry. Its year-round availability and longer shelf life made it more appealing to consumers and retailers, fueling the avocado craze.

However, perhaps the most significant catalyst for the avocado’s rise to stardom was its association with health and wellness trends. As consumers became increasingly health-conscious, the avocado’s reputation as a nutrient-packed superfood soared. Rich in heart-healthy fats, vitamins, and antioxidants, avocados became a staple in the trendy Mediterranean and ketogenic diets.

Today, the avocado’s journey from obscurity to obsession is complete. This once humble fruit has permeated every aspect of our culinary landscape, from avocado toast to smoothie bowls. Its popularity shows no signs of waning, with demand continuing to surge yearly.

Avocado of Mexico Campaign

 One specific marketing activity that significantly contributed to the success of avocados was the “Avocado of Mexico” campaign launched by the Mexican Hass Avocado Importers Association (MHAIA). This campaign, which began in 2013, aimed to position Mexican avocados as the preferred choice among consumers in the United States.

The insight that the marketers leveraged was the growing demand for healthy and flavorful food options among American consumers. They recognized that avocados, with their rich nutritional profile and versatile applications, perfectly aligned with these evolving preferences. However, they needed to overcome lingering misconceptions and promote the superior quality of Mexican avocados.

The MHAIA implemented a multifaceted marketing strategy encompassing various channels and touchpoints to achieve this. One of the critical elements of the campaign was television advertising, featuring catchy slogans like “Today’s Avocado is Avocado of Mexico” and memorable visuals showcasing the vibrant colors and deliciousness of avocados.

Additionally, the campaign utilized digital and social media platforms to engage consumers and spread awareness about avocados’ health benefits and culinary versatility. It leveraged influencers and celebrity endorsements to amplify its message and reach a wider audience.

One of the most compelling aspects of the “Avocado of Mexico” campaign was its timing and relevance. It coincided with the rising popularity of avocados as a superfood and the increasing consumer interest in Mexican cuisine. By capitalizing on these trends, the marketers were able to strike a chord with consumers and drive demand for Mexican avocados.

Furthermore, the campaign’s emphasis on freshness and quality resonated with consumers who were increasingly conscious of the origins of their food. By highlighting Mexican avocados’ superior taste and texture, the marketers successfully differentiated their product from competitors and established it as the preferred choice.

The “Avocado of Mexico” campaign exemplifies effective marketing in the produce industry. By understanding consumer trends, leveraging digital channels, and emphasizing product quality, the marketers elevated Mexican avocados to new heights of popularity. They consolidated their position as a staple in American households.

Recent commercials continue to reinforce the Avocados from Mexico theme.

Love One Today

Another notable marketing campaign that significantly contributed to the growth in avocado sales is the “Love One Today” campaign by the Hass Avocado Board (HAB). Launched in 2013, this campaign aimed to educate consumers about the health benefits of avocados and inspire them to incorporate avocados into their daily diet.

The insight that the marketers leveraged for this campaign was the increasing consumer interest in health and wellness, particularly the shift towards plant-based diets and the demand for nutrient-dense foods. With their unique combination of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, Avocados perfectly aligned with these dietary trends.

The “Love One Today” campaign employed a multi-channel approach to reach consumers across various touchpoints. One of the campaign’s critical elements was its focus on education and providing consumers with credible information about avocados’ nutritional benefits. This included developing resources such as recipe ideas, dietary guidelines, and health research studies showcasing avocados’ health-promoting properties.

Additionally, the campaign utilized digital and social media platforms to engage with consumers and promote avocado consumption. They leveraged user-generated content, influencer partnerships, and interactive online experiences to create buzz and encourage sharing among target audiences.

One of the most compelling aspects of the “Love One Today” campaign was its emphasis on simplicity and accessibility. The messaging was clear and concise, making it easy for consumers to understand the benefits of incorporating avocados into their diet. Whether through simple recipe ideas or practical tips for meal planning, the campaign empowered consumers to make healthier choices without feeling overwhelmed.

Furthermore, the campaign’s focus on the emotional connection to food resonated with consumers, tapping into their desire for foods that nourish their bodies and bring joy and satisfaction. Marketers could drive increased consumption and sales by positioning avocados as a versatile and delicious ingredient that can enhance any meal.

The “Love One Today” campaign by the Hass Avocado Board exemplifies the power of strategic marketing in promoting growth in avocado sales. By understanding consumer trends, leveraging digital channels, and emphasizing avocados’ health benefits and culinary versatility, the campaign successfully inspired consumers to embrace avocados as a nutritious and delicious addition to their diet.

The Rise of Guac

The rise of guacamole has profoundly affected avocado sales, contributing significantly to increased demand and consumption of avocados. While the exact date of guacamole’s rise to prominence is challenging, its popularity surged notably in the latter half of the 20th century and continues to grow today.

Guacamole, a traditional Mexican dish made primarily from mashed avocados, onions, tomatoes, lime juice, and seasonings, gained widespread recognition and appreciation in the United States as Mexican cuisine became more mainstream. Its creamy texture, vibrant flavors, and versatility as a dip, spread, or topping made it a favorite among consumers.

The rise of guacamole can be attributed to several factors:

Growing Interest in Mexican Cuisine: With the increasing globalization of food culture, Mexican cuisine gained popularity in the United States, leading to greater exposure and appreciation for dishes like guacamole.

Health Consciousness: As consumers became more health-conscious, guacamole’s reputation as a nutritious and flavorful alternative to traditional dips and condiments grew. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, making guacamole a guilt-free indulgence for health-conscious consumers.

Cultural Influence: The integration of guacamole into popular culture, particularly in sports events like the Super Bowl, contributed to its widespread adoption as a party staple and a must-have item on restaurant menus.

The increasing popularity of guacamole has directly impacted avocado sales, as it is one of the primary uses for avocados in the United States. According to data from the Hass Avocado Board, consumption of avocados in the U.S. has experienced steady growth over the past few decades, with guacamole playing a significant role in driving this trend.

The rise of guacamole has been a driving force behind the increased demand and consumption of avocados in the United States. Its popularity as a flavorful and nutritious dip has made avocados a household staple, with consumers incorporating them into their diets in various forms beyond just guacamole. This trend highlights avocados’ enduring appeal and versatility as a culinary ingredient.

Three Marketing Takeaways

1. Rebranding and Investment : The avocado’s transformation from exotic to everyday staple demonstrates the power of effective branding. By highlighting its unique qualities and repositioning it as a premium product, marketers were able to change consumer perceptions and drive demand. Coupled with rebranding was the sizeable investment in making avocado top of mind and increasing salience.

2. Innovation Drives Growth: The invention of the Hass avocado revolutionized the industry, offering consumers a superior product with extended shelf life and consistent quality. Innovation is crucial in sustaining growth and maintaining relevance in a competitive market. An explosion in recipes showing how to incorporate avocados into – everything made a huge difference.

3. Health Trends Matter: The avocado’s association with health and wellness trends significantly influenced its widespread adoption. Marketers should pay attention to evolving consumer preferences and capitalize on emerging trends. When health-minded consumers started to talk about superfoods, avocadoes put on their capes and flew into kitchens and restaurants.

The avocado’s journey from obscurity to ubiquity is a testament to the power of strategic marketing and innovation. Marketers can transform even the most obscure products into household favorites by understanding consumer needs and leveraging market trends. So, the next time you enjoy a creamy bowl of guacamole or a slice of avocado toast, remember the remarkable story behind this beloved fruit.

Connect with Jeff at The Marketing Sage Consultancy. Interested in setting up a call with me? Use my calendly to schedule a time to talk. The call is free, and we can discuss your brand and marketing needs. If you want to learn more about my new offering, The Trusted Advisor Board, you can click here to learn the details. Feel free to email me at jeffslater@themarketing sage.com or text 919 720 0995. Thanks for your interest in working with The Marketing Sage Consultancy.

Photo by Estúdio Bloom on Unsplash