Dolce Far Niente

Do you know this Italian phrase? It means the sweetness of doing nothing.

While watching Eat, Pray, Love for the umpteenth time, this phrase bathed me with a sweet and happy feeling.

In the scene, Liz Gilbert (played by Julia Robert) tells a friend that the Italians she meets are so good at enjoying hanging out – and doing nothing. She admires their ability to sit and slowly enjoy food without guilt or goals. They meander. Often, their days are filled with lots of nothingness.

“Dolce far niente” is an Italian phrase that means “the sweetness of doing nothing.”

The root of the phrase comes from the Italian words “dolce,” which means sweet, and “far niente,” which means to do nothing or to be idle.

The phrase is often used to describe the pleasure or enjoyment that can come from simply relaxing and taking a break from the busyness of daily life. It’s a reminder to slow down, appreciate the moment, and find contentment in simply being.

I savor the sweetness of doing nothing. It can be sitting on my porch and listening to the sounds of the wind in the trees or walking on my daily constitution without a purpose or goal to achieve.

Sweet Moments

There is a sweetness in moments.

Are you any good at the art of doing nothing?

Not having a goal you are trying to achieve or even a skill you are mastering.

If you could describe your life in a sentence, I wouldn’t mention my marketing experiences or career-related activities. Although I’m proud of my contributions to helping others, that’s not the part of life I’d want to describe.

I would talk about the idle time I have spent with my family. Playing, cooking, and being together.

I would explain how much I enjoy the moments when I’m genuinely a human. Being.

Doing nothing takes lots of forms, but the purpose is – there is no purpose. It is an opportunity, often unplanned, to be.

I need those moments. They recharge my soul and don’t require anything in return.

So many people I know are always so busy. Running from this to that. If that makes them happy, I’m happy for them. But the hustle isn’t for me.

Been there. Done that.

With age comes permission to stop and smell the pasta.

How about you?

Do you enjoy dolce far niente? I’ll wait while you answer.

I’m not doing anything right now.

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Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash