I have been so fortunate to have people in my marketing and business career who were the teachers I needed at just the right time. Being lucky, a teacher seems to arrive at the perfect moment.

I got the chance to work with some remarkable human beings who helped me in untold ways. I became a better marketer and generally more adept at business, but most importantly – a more caring human being. And the bonus is that they are all still in my life, continuing to help me in this latest chapter as a marketing consultant.

Writing the profiles and stories about my friends gives me great pleasure. Each represents an important time in my career, and they all continue to bring me powerful lessons, vast networks, and graceful guidance.  

Below isn’t a complete list because there are many more stories to tell. But if this were a book, each of these individuals met me during a chapter in my career. Each gave me a gift wrapped with advice, insights, and friendship.

In looking over the list, I notice most of these friends are white males.

I have yet to tell the stories of many women and people of color who also gave me untold gifts while working together. People like JoAnn McKinney, Rander Harris, Annette Gionfriddo, Shannon Wright, and Yolanda Castillo – to name a few, are important people whose stories I haven’t shared.

So, think of the posts written so far as a down payment on giving thanks and sharing stories of FOJ. (Friends of Jeff).

I have more writing to do.

I thought I’d put together a list linking to each of these profiles. If one of their life lessons appeals to you, maybe click the link and read more or share with a friend.

An Alphabetical List of Ten People Who Have Helped Me During My Journey

Tom Barbitta  How Duke’s Mayo Is Finding Its Twang – Tom is a teacher who taught me the importance of rallying a community around a brand. He did this with Oberto, Cheerwine, Rise Against Hunger, and Duke’s. Tom is a brand liberator.

Britt Carter – My Authentic Friend. Oh, Yeah. Britt showed up in my life when I was an inexperienced leader for a portfolio of brands. I needed guidance in public relations and reputation management. Most of all, I found a friend who listened and was thoughtful before speaking – teaching me about the wisdom of kind and constructive listening. And as a bonus, Britt does the best Macho Man imitation from years working with me and Randy on the Slim Jim business.

Nancy Frame  Who Created the 365 Logo for Whole Foods? When Nancy and I first met, she helped me learn some important lessons about the power of conveying a brand through packaging. She creates design magic and is masterful in her art as a premier packaging designer. She and her husband Bob are skilled visual communicators. The early work she did with Whole Foods Markets continues to intrigue me.

Paul Mabray  The Digital Wizard of Wine The saying goes that the teacher will arrive when the student has a question. Paul greeted me into the world of wine with open arms in 2009. He helped connect me with his array of wine experts and friends to help me learn about the industry. I love to watch him online or on the world stage share loving stories about his family or to observe his generous vintage spirit. Paul is a teacher who brings his whole self to every drop of life. He truly is the Digital Wizard of Wine.

Christopher Nunes – Branding & Visual Strategist Extraordinaire Chris helped me learn the incredible power of listening to consumers to pick up queues about what they want but can’t express. He has taught me so much about visual strategy and how to unleash the power of a brand. I cherish the days spent in focus groups with him, listening to him as he interprets consumer language and behavior. And he and I share a common bond as photographers when we were young building our creative muscles.

Anne Robie – Assume Best Intentions Anne’s gifts are numerous, but when I worked at Nomacorc, she was the head of HR. As a teacher, her lessons about the power of assuming someone’s good intentions shifted my attitude about working with different and complex personalities. Anne is a kind and caring friend who keeps on giving invaluable advice. Her new podcast, Flowing East and West, the Perfectly Imperfect Journey, is one of my favorites if you want to better understand your own journey.

Danny Rosin – Put Some Kindness in Your Marketing Tank When Danny and I first met, I knew that we would be fast friends. His generosity in working with non-profits and his weird and wild sense of humor immediately made him someone I had to bring closer into my life. I’m so grateful for his friendship and what I have learned watching him live his heart-centered life. Some days I want to call him up and ask him if he wants to come over and play – as if we were kids. I’m so glad he has never grown up.

Michael Schall A Balance Sheet of Human Equity Every time I meet someone who knows Mike, they want to talk about how fortunate they are to have him in their lives. I count Mike as a brother who has, from the moment we first met, always started each conversation with the phrase, how can I help you? I work hard to be like Mike. He has a well of kindness whose depth continues to amaze me and I’m honored to call him a teacher and a friend.

Bob Stapleton Entrepreneurs Wanted When I found myself unemployed for the first time in my life, I met Bob as a counselor at an out-placement office. Twenty years later, we are still friends, and he is still offering me guidance and wisdom. Bob is like a Sherpa, always helping me find my way up the mountain. He invited me to help some budding entrepreneurs unravel the mysteries of marketing. What a gift he gave me asking me to speak to this audience. He is a master at listening and providing calm, comforting, and insightful advice on people topics at work.

Lars von Kantzow – Lars, Leadership and A Lifetime Journey When your boss becomes a close friend, you realize how lucky you are to know someone who is the textbook definition of integrity. To this day, I marvel at his intelligence and ability to see critical strategic issues in complex situations. Most of all, I enjoy learning from Lars’ vast experience as a CEO, a global marketer, and a trusted friend.

Who Had A Meaningful Impact On Your Career?

Maybe you don’t have the time to write a story about people who have made an impact in your career. Maybe pick up the phone and call them to reconnect.

Everyone benefits from being grateful, especially to those teachers who appeared at the right time.

You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Watch a short video about working with me.