One of the absolute joys of my work is that I get to speak with many entrepreneurs. Some are rookies – others are serial entrepreneurs. I’m even friends with some actual cereal entrepreneurs, Margaret and Ian Wishingrad from Three Wishes Cereal. Check them out if you are searching for high-protein, no-sugar breakfast meals.

Seven Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

There are seven traits that successful entrepreneurs share that may be helpful to you if you are considering going out on your own and building a brand.

  • They understand the critical role of solving a painful problem for a customer. They aren’t naïve thinking if they build it, they will come. They solve a problem.
  • Serving a specific, narrow audience and market segment is critical to success. They aren’t deluded by thinking everyone will buy what they sell. They know who they serve.
  • Entrepreneurs that I know tend to surround themselves with many advisors. This group is highly conscious of where their knowledge has gaps. They comfortably tap into paid and unpaid helpers who can be resources and provide seasoned advice. They are open to criticism and wisdom from experienced teachers.
  • This group tends to be ridiculously resourceful. They are agile, think on their feet quickly, and can generate solutions on the fly. They don’t want to meet – they want to act, test, and try. They are verbs, not nouns.
  • Confident but not cocky. The entrepreneurs I know often aren’t arrogant –upbeat, yes – but rarely think they are masters of the universe. They see opportunities and frequently ask what must be true to make this happen. They tend to be aggressive listeners, not just people who constantly talk. Their confidence attracts strong colleagues.
  • Generalists who understand all the jobs. Although they may possess strength in finance or marketing, they work hard to see all the essential functions and strive to gain a deep understanding. I recently met a technologist who had superpowers in coding. Still, he is spending time with me learning the most critical aspects of marketing, so he can ultimately bring the right marketing leaders into his organization. They are infinitely curious people.
  • The next step. This group often is focused on the next thing in front of them – not a long, to-do list. They hyper-focus on the most pressing issue and block out the other distractions. When they have moved the work as far as they can, they lift their head and say, what’s next? This step-by-step approach prevents them from getting overwhelmed by the massive responsibilities and obligations they must meet daily. They put one foot ahead of the other and pace themselves.

Help me expand this list.

What are other critical characteristics of successful entrepreneurs you know?

You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Watch a short video about working with me.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash