Critical privacy updates for iOS users have made DTC marketing on Facebook a challenge, but there are ways to adapt.

Facebook has been a core part of many marketers’ online ad strategies. New privacy restrictions are removing the advantage that Facebook used to have for online marketing, though, since Apple users can now block Facebook from tracking their activity.

At the same time, Facebook is losing its grip as the world’s most popular social media platform. DTC marketers can use these tips to adapt to the changing terrain of online marketing with iOS, Facebook, and social media advertising.

Expand to Other Platforms

While it’s good to leave some of your advertising on Facebook, many brands have begun expanding their efforts to other platforms.

When Apple first gave users the option to block app tracking with iOS 14, 96% of iOS users opted to stop tracking. This applies to all apps a user has on their device. However, some apps are better suited to helping marketers reach their audience than others.

A great example of this is TikTok.

Even with app tracking blocked, the TikTok algorithm can still use users’ likes, search, and watch history to tailor their feed. It is exceptionally good at this. While TikTok still has fewer users than Facebook, it was the most downloaded app of 2021 and has surpassed Instagram as the most popular social media app among Gen Z users.

Trying out TikTok and other social media platforms with more robust algorithms can be a great way to navigate issues with Facebook marketing. With younger generations turning increasingly to TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, Facebook is likely to lose appeal with audiences slowly.

Prioritize Creativity and Broad Appeal

App tracking blocking for iOS users does hurt targeted advertising strategies.

However, you can still form genuine connections with audiences on Facebook and elsewhere even without that ad targeting data. Some business leaders have even emphasized the need for marketers to “start getting creative.”

They need to move away from the tools used in the past.

The privacy features on iOS force DTC marketers to expand their audience for their ads. By targeting a particular niche, you will reach far fewer potential customers now since 96% of Apple users are preventing Facebook from using their data to show them your ad.

A reasonable CPM and ROI on Facebook ad runs will only come from a larger audience. You’ll need to get more creative with your ad designs and strategies to appeal to this broader audience. Utilizing all the tools at your disposal to accomplish this can help you stand out.

For example, leading social media strategists have suggested brands try creating video content or running contests to gain traction online.

Creating a fun TikTok or YouTube short video can ultimately allow you to reach a wider audience than a targeted still-image ad on Facebook would have. The more creative you can get with these videos, and the more authentic they are, the more likely they will result in leads and conversions.

Remember: there’s a reason influencer networks can grow online, and it has nothing to do with ad targeting data. Influencer agencies can aggregate small networks and have influencers create high-quality, creative content consistently.

Businesses can grow with this strategy, too.

Diversify on Facebook

Other platforms may be on the rise, but Facebook remains the most widely used social media platform today.

As of January 2022, Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users. Even with iOS’s privacy updates, Facebook is still a unique marketing tool. So, there’s no need to abandon it entirely. DTC marketers must diversify their ad campaigns on Facebook to adjust for iOS users.

Businesses are still adapting to Apple’s privacy features, so it may take some time to determine the most compelling new Facebook strategy for you. a good approach may be to run a few campaigns at once, each with its unique objective. Old strategies that relied heavily on app tracking data aren’t as effective in the absence of Apple users.

Testing out a few new strategies at once to try and regain some of that lost ground will help your business adapt without losing too much time in the process.

Evolving Online Marketing

Apple has a history of frustrating consumers only to spark innovation. Many people were unhappy when Apple removed the headphone jack from its iPhones, but now wireless headphones are the new standard, and the headphone jack is a relic. Frustrating as it may be, for the time being, Apple’s push for user privacy may push the online marketing industry forward.

After all, government agencies worldwide are joining Apple in its efforts to increase data privacy protections. This trend will only grow, so DTC marketers will need to innovate and evolve their tactics and strategies for this new era in the digital world. Ultimately, it may lead to more advanced, authentic, and effective online marketing.

Guest Post Author: Zac Amos is the Features Editor at ReHack, where he writes about cybersecurity, information technology, and other tech topics.

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Photo by Brad Starkey on Unsplash