A recent business to business (B2B) client asked me where they should spend their advertising dollars to grow their business. They thought about running ads in industry trade magazines or possibly buying space in an industry directory that lists thousands of suppliers for this vertical market.


I was surprised that this smart Director of Marketing expect this could be effective for achieving his goal.

So I asked, what exactly is your goal? She said, to generate leads for their manufacturing business.

Don’t Advertise, Podcast.

I suggested a very simple solution that would allow him to call up important people he was trying to reach without selling them anything.  She was aware of podcasting but didn’t understand how it work. I explained the mechanics to her but shared, that the beauty of starting an industry podcast is that she can interview potential clients on her show and begin a relationship.

Podcast for B2B

Here are ten reasons your B2B company needs a podcast:

  1. It allows you to interview potential leads without them thinking you are selling anything. All you are doing is getting their insight into industry trends and shifts in the marketplace.
  2. More than half the people you’ll reach out to will be willing to speak to you on the phone or via SKYPE for 15-30 minutes since they’ll see you as like a journalist or media. They are flattered to have their opinion heard.
  3. You’ll learn something about the issues they face and the challenges they are encountering.
  4. You create some authority and legitimacy by being the moderator/owner of this industry podcast.
  5. A first step is taken in creating a connection. You talk for 30 minutes with a prospect. You don’t sell or push anything at all. Like any relationship, you start off slow and wait for them to invite you to reconnect.
  6. When the podcast is live, you get a second chance to connect with them by sharing the link.
  7. If you attract interesting people, you build credibility up for your company as an authority.
  8. You get a chance to have a third “touch” with this lead when you share other podcast interviews that you think may be relevant and useful to him/her.
  9. The cost to create and run a podcast are far lower than any trade ad campaign will ever be.
  10. If hosted on your website, you give industry leads a reason to visit your homepage and to possibly browse around your product offerings.

EOF SlaterWhat could a podcast do for your marketing?

Would it generate leads, open a few doors and create some industry thought leadership?

Don’t advertise. Podcast.

Want to learn more about trends in podcasting, check out this great overview from Edison Research. Or listen to me being interviewed on John Lee Dumas’ podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire. 








I have lots of counter-intuitive ideas to help you jump start your marketing. Let’s talk.

Photo: Courtesy of John Lee Dumas Entrepreneur on Fire. All rights reserved.