Just like larger business, small businesses need to consider having a good slogan. Generally, that slogan needs to address the “why” of your business in just a few words.

First, keep in mind that there is no one way to develop a slogan for your business. In other words, the slogan doesn’t have to be catchy; but you don’t want to bore your audience with a lengthy explanation either. But above all, don’t aim for perfection when creating a slogan.

Here are four reasons why a good slogan can benefit a small business:

Slogans Help You Stand Out

Consumers receive thousands of advertising messages a month.

That’s between 3,000 and 5,000 advertisements daily. There are so much TV and print advertising to go around, regardless of who and how many are watching. And, what people usually take away from advertisements are the slogans.

Therefore, your slogan should be able to stand out among all the other ads and or competitors. Marketers don’t recommend a paragraph-long explanation of your product or service for your slogan or tagline. Although it might give potential customers plenty of information, most customers want information quickly in today’s fast-paced world.

A punchy slogan, on the other hand, creates a memorable image in the customers’ minds and is straight to the point without boring them.

The eco-friendly plastic-free baby wipe brand mypura has gone for the brilliant slogan of “We demand a change!” This, accompanied by images of babies, helps mypura to stand out well in people’s minds.

Slogans Can Be Creative

Catchy slogans allow you to be creative. Catchy, declarative phrases tend to use devices such as:

  • Metaphors
  • Alliteration
  • Rhymes
  • Simple, vibrant language

Therefore, it’s essential to think about creativity when it comes to creating an effective slogan. The young but growing athleisure brand Gym+Coffee has the “rallying cry” of “Make Life Richer.” This phrase is partially a pun referencing how much the brand’s founders enjoy rich flat whites and lattes, but the slogan also encourages Gym+Coffee’s customers to make the most of every day otherwise.

Slogans Help You Be Consistent

Consistency is key to a great slogan and can make your company stand out more. When people recognize you as a consistent company, they’ll be more likely to expect what you have to offer and be more apt to come back.

Here are some ways to stay consistent with slogans:

  • Stick with media that you know and want to advertise on (print, TV, etc.)
  • Think about brand recognition, and how people should see your brand
  • Think about any promotions and offers that you want to have moving forward,

For example, the recently-established highly personalized children’s book brand beans&sparks, use the simple, self-explanatory slogan “inspiring personalized books” to accurately and succinctly sum up their mission.

Slogans Are Brand-Friendly

Slogans should speak for your brand. With that said, keep the following questions in mind:

  • What should it be? (A jingle, a straightforward statement, etc.)
  • How should it sound?
  • How can you make it memorable to viewers?
  • Does it speak for the brand as a whole?

Remember: You want your slogan to give your brand a strong identity that can draw customers to it, and remember it.

Set up in 2005, the Fairtrade UK chocolate brand Seed and Bean has always used the slogan “Chocolate with a Wild Side” to accurately sum up exactly who they are and what they do.


Small businesses should create a slogan for their brand.

So, as you create a slogan, remember consistency, creativity, and identity. With more and more small businesses booming in industries everywhere, why not stand out among the crowd, and get your product or service out there with a clever slogan, and attract more customers?



This blog about slogans is a guest post by Ashley Halsey, who is a writer and editor at Luckyassignments Belfast and Gumessays.com. As a professional writer, she works on many writing projects nationwide. In her spare time, she enjoys giving talks at business courses, traveling to Italy, reading mystery novels, and spend time with her two children.




Need help with a clever slogan? Want seasoned advice from The Marketing Sage to support your marketing?

I can help. You can set up a time chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at www.themarketingsage.com. Let’s explore working together today.




Photo by Duncan Kidd on Unsplash

Product photography from mypura and seeds&beans brands, all rights reserved.