Is it time to shake and start over how business is organized with a clean slate?

Companies need to focus on their mission. They also need to rethink how they are organized to achieve their goals. A reorganization allows you to refresh how to better serve customers. 

Markets, companies and brands are all on a crash course for disruption.

There are no exceptions – everything is subject to disruption. Factory workers need very different skills today because they have to operate complicated equipment that has software integrated to produce accurate reports. Sales leaders need to understand that some of their customers are displaced by market forces and changes that they can’t avoid. (Think of the guys selling ink to newspapers). Marketing managers need to understand analytics and math and find the ability to creatively see new ways to tell their story with digital transformation screaming in their face.

Do you believe a 1970’s model of departments is going to exist in the next decade?

Eliminate Your Marketing Department

Marketing is an activity that needs integration in every business function – not stuck in a narrow silo by itself. Don’t you expect companies to adapt, be flexible and restructure to serve customers and their needs – versus an old school approach to business?

Maybe it is time to dismember all departments and rethink how you organize your business. Could you do away with departments who only sell, market, deal with HR issues or operations? What are some alternative approaches that might allow you to be so agile that it becomes a competitive advantage?

How can you beat the competition through creative organizational structure?  

Think of the entrepreneur who wears several hats. She has to market herself, her products and her vision both internally and externally. She needs to find the right people with collaborative skill sets that share a common vision of where the business wants to go. And, those on the team may need to let go of titles and departments so that they can serve customers through true innovations. Departments emerge when companies get bureaucratic and forget that their mission is to serve their customers not their corporate monster.

Alternative Structures

Businesses could organize around customers based on geography, size, needs and requirement. A team of people with skills in sales, marketing, product development, HR, finance and operations folks could throw away their departments. Why not get organized around the customers instead of your job functions?

Business could organize teams around vertical markets – segments and be hyper-focused.  So you might be focused on industries and have sales, marketing, product development, HR, finance and operations folks all within those teams too.

One large computer companies restructure itself every twelve months because they know that they have to keep adapting to the changing marketplace.

When cloud computing started emerging as important to their customers, they needed a team with a greater dedication to this arena. They were able to jump on mobile platforms faster than their competitors because they restructured as the market was shifting.

Clean Slate

If you were starting your business today, how would you organize your company if you could start with a clean slate? Would you keep your departments intact or find an alternative approach to achieve your goals?

Is it time for you to shake your etch a sketch and reimagine your organizational structure? I can help. 919 720 0995.
